Gettin Funky - All the doubles for this hip couple

Creativity, openness, and vulnerability is the true art

These two are possibly the most creative pair I have yet to work with, so the pressure was on to create some extraordinary pieces of art, and god damn I’m proud of this one.

We started out pretty tame in the blooms but if you scroll to the bottom I think you can tell where the creativity just exploded. You guys aren’t the only ones who take a bit to get into it; I try to ease my couples into shooting and get comfortable for the first 15-20 minutes in an hour shoot with easy poses and wide frames, but let’s be real, I need it too. If you expect me to create pieces of art, you also need to be open and vulnerable. You have to trust! This is why I’m so insistent on the idea of vibing with your photographer; if you don’t get along it’s really hard to create art. At the end of the day, my photos are art, they are my heart and soul and if you don’t trust me it’s hard to get in the right headspace to be a true creative. I can always and consistently deliver nice photos, but these pieces of art take patience and understanding. I will always mention that I’m taking a double because it does take a few extra seconds and a bunch of me mumbling to myself and framing things with my fingers, but man it’s worth it if you love em the way I do.

Thank you guys SO much for openly wanting to get weird with me and vocalising your trust. I think we created some absolute stunners. <3

Hip and creative engagement photos for a super cool couple

Ps… If you follow me on instagram… remember the blue velvet bride I mentioned? Yep, this is her, and his outfit is equally incredible. And they are getting married at the Orange Art Gallery, can we say creative couple of my dreams?

Don’t be afraid to get creative with your photographer

Want to get weird? Want to try something different? I’m always thrilled to find fellow creators in the world, just give the word and I’ll do my best to make something super rad with you <3